Sorry about the delay, but I have great news. The Sarasota County Library System has selected The Distinguished Career of WInfield Scott Hancock for thier collection. As a result of that selection, I have been asked to provide a presentation and a reading on Hancock’s story. Reading from Volume One: Rebellion; and Two: Turing Point, the presentation will be held at the North Port Library, North Port, Florida, on 5 November to coincide with upcoming Veterans Day holiday, 11 November. I am overwhelmed with this selection. It is not often that “Self Published” works are provided an honor like this as most books are traditionally published. I am hopeful that the rest of Sarasota County Library System will embrace the presentation as well, and that I will be offered the opportunity to discuss Hancock at the long list of libraries throughout this county. I understand libraries are a close knit community and North Port’s choice could ripple throughout.

In August we happened to be traveling through Pennsylvania on our way to New England. The US Army Heritage and Education Center is located at Carlisle. Pennsylvania. A golden opportunity presented itself to capture new historical information for “Tremaine,” the next book in the “I am a Soldier, First and Always” series. I will not give much of the story away here, but will say our main character, Tremaine “Running Deer” Mackenzie has joined Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders to meet the Spanish Army in Cuba. San Juan Hill looms above on the outskirts of Santiago. There is so much information available that the next historical fiction novel should satisfy the historians looking for a great story.

Venice Community Center will sponsor its Christmas Fair in December. I will join many other authors to offer my books with an autograph to all interested. There are many stories to choose from with the collection of authors we have here in Venice. Hope to see you there if you are in the area. If you reside elsewhere, the books are available on Amazon.

Gotta go … Tremaine is calling.

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